Minolta Dimage Xt

Check out images taken with the Dimage Xt here.

Not the snappiest of camera’s, but the quality is pretty ok for a 3,4mp shooter.

The backup battery of this camera is totally dead (just like my Xt and my X50). So, the camera does not remember dates and quality settings. This battery is soldered on, so I hope there is a way to exchange it for a new one, but I doubt it, I don’t want to ruin the camera.

I am still not convinced that this update to the DImage Xi is really an update. I’ll have to do some more extensive tests, but so far the Xt seems slower than the Xi.

Also, from a perspective where a little more crappier is better, there seems to be some light falloff on the corners of the Xi, which is preferable by me.

Some articles on the Xt (versus the Xi)

Minolta Dimage Xt: The Same but Different

Steve’s Digicams on Minolta’s update of the Dimage Xi, the Dimage Xt. The Xt is slightly smaller and lighter than the Xi, but has the same resolution (3.2 megapixels) and the same 3x optical zoom lens.

Actually, the zoom lens is still 3x zoom, but under the hood it’s slightly different.  Both cameras have 9 elements in 8 groups, but the Xi (older model) has 5 aspheric elements while the Xt (newer model) only has 3.

I don’t know if this will translate into a visible difference in quality, but I would assume that more aspherical elements would be preferable to less.

Also note that the previous version sometimes had light falloff on the corners, I don’t know about the new one though